Nancy Drew Wanderer Hardcover Editions

The Nancy Drew Wanderer books, volumes 57 through 78, were printed in hardcover with dust jacket in very limited quantities.  Most of the dust-jacketed hardcover books were sold to libraries, so most examples that surface are in rough condition and are library discards.  It is quite difficult to find any of the Wanderer hardcover books that are not library discards.

A low number of the books were sold to individuals through bookstores or mail order.  The retail price of the Wanderer hardcover books ranged from $8.95 to $9.95, whereas the Wanderer paperbacks were priced between $1.95 and $3.50.  This means that the Wanderer hardcover editions were approximately 3 to 4 times higher in price than the corresponding paperback editions, making the hardcover editions an expensive luxury.

The lower-numbered volumes are generally easier to find than the higher-numbered ones.  #57 through #63 seem to be the easiest volumes to find.  #64 through #75 are moderately difficult to find.  #76 and #77 are quite difficult to find, and #78 is extremely scarce.

The Nancy Drew Ghost Stories Volumes 1 and 2 and the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys Super Sleuths! Volumes 1 and 2 were also printed in hardcover with dust jacket.  The Ghost Stories and Super Sleuths volumes are at least as difficult to find as #76 and #77.

57. The Triple Hoax, 1979

57. The Triple Hoax, 1979

58. The Flying Saucer Mystery, 1980

58. The Flying Saucer Mystery, 1980

59. The Secret in the Old
, 1980

59. The Secret in the Old
, 1980

60. The Greek Symbol Mystery, 1981

60. The Greek Symbol Mystery, 1981

61. The Swami's Ring, 1981

61. The Swami's Ring, 1981

62. The Kachina Doll Mystery, 1981

62. The Kachina Doll Mystery, 1981

63. The Twin Dilemma, 1981

63. The Twin Dilemma, 1981

64. Captive Witness, 1981

64. Captive Witness, 1981

65. Mystery of the Winged
, 1982

65. Mystery of the Winged
, 1982

66. Race Against Time, 1982

66. Race Against Time, 1982

67. The Sinister Omen, 1982

67. The Sinister Omen, 1982

68. The Elusive Heiress, 1982

68. The Elusive Heiress, 1982

69. Clue in the Ancient
, 1982

69. Clue in the Ancient
, 1982

70. The Broken Anchor, 1983

70. The Broken Anchor, 1983

71. The Silver Cobweb, 1983

71. The Silver Cobweb, 1983

72. The Haunted Carousel, 1983

72. The Haunted Carousel, 1983

73. Enemy Match, 1984

73. Enemy Match, 1984

74. The Mysterious Image, 1984

74. The Mysterious Image, 1984

75. The Emerald-Eyed Cat
, 1984

75. The Emerald-Eyed Cat
, 1984

76. The Eskimo's Secret, 1985

76. The Eskimo's Secret, 1985

77. The Bluebeard Room, 1985

77. The Bluebeard Room, 1985

78. The Phantom of Venice, 1985

I do not have an example of #78 in hardcover with dust jacket, but the dust jacket design matches that of the paperback book pictured at the left.

Nancy Drew Ghost Stories, 1983

Nancy Drew Ghost Stories, 1983

Nancy Drew Ghost Stories 2, 1985

Nancy Drew Ghost Stories 2, 1985

Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys Super Sleuths!, 1981

Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys Super Sleuths!, 1981

Book Club Editions

Volumes 57 through 59 were published in a Wanderer hardcover book club edition that is slightly taller than the other Wanderer hardcover editions.  Each dust jacket is missing the volume number on the front panel.  These three book club editions are generally easier to find than the corresponding regular hardcover editions of volumes 57 through 59.

57. The Triple Hoax, 1979

57. The Triple Hoax, 1979

58. The Flying Saucer Mystery, 1980

58. The Flying Saucer Mystery, 1980

59. The Secret in the Old Lace, 1980

59. The Secret in the Old Lace, 1980

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