The Sweet Valley High Series   

The Sweet Valley High Series
Summaries and Quotes #31-35

The below summaries are taken from the back covers of the books.

  #31 Taking Sides

Jeffrey French has been at Sweet Valley High for only one week, and already he's made quite an impression—especially with the girls.  Enid Rollins has a crush on the rugged junior, but just as she's about to claim Jeffrey as her own, Lila Fowler declares that Jeffrey is just he boy for her.

Elizabeth Wakefield isn't about to let Lila steal Jeffrey from her best friend.  And when Jessica, Elizabeth's twin, finds out her sister is helping Enid, she vows to do whatever she can to help Lila.  Jessica's not going to stand for Jeffrey ending up with Enid, and she's certainly not going to let herself be outwitted be her own twin!

SVH #31 Taking Sides


Elizabeth and Jessica's younger cousin, Jenny, arrives to spend two weeks with the Wakefields, and Jenny is Jessica's greatest admirer.  Jessica fumes as Jenny tags along on all of her dates and gets along a bit too well with Jessica's boyfriend, Eddie.

  #32 The New Jessica

Jessica Wakefield is sick and tired of being an identical twin.  Her parents make jokes about it, and recently people at school have been mistaking her for her sister, Elizabeth.  So Jessica's determined to make sure no one mixes up her and her twin ever again; she's going to create a new Jessica!

She gets a complete makeover and dyes her hair black.  Then she starts to wear outrageous clothes and read European magazines.  Soon everyone at Sweet Valley High is talking about the new, sophisticated Jessica Wakefield.

But one person isn't thrilled with Jessica's transformation.  Elizabeth fells as though she's lost her twin sister forever.  Is the old Jessica gone for good?

SVH #32 The New Jessica
  #33 Starting Over

Sally Larson is thrilled when she moves in with her cousin Dana's family.  After years of living in foster homes, Sally longs to have a real home, and she's determined to make a good impression.

As long as Sally lets Dana control her life, she feels she'll be accepted.  After all, her cousin is pretty, popular, and the lead singer for The Droids, Sweet Valley High's smash rock band.  Sally even hopes to overcome the resentment of Dana's brother, Jeremy.  But when Dana begins to resent her, too, Sally's afraid she'll have to leave—and she knows this is her last chance to make a life for herself.  Will Sally ever be able to call Sweet Valley home?

SVH #33 Starting Over


Jessica brings home a golden Labrador puppy without her parents' knowledge and names him Prince Albert.  Jessica hides the puppy in her room and in the basement hoping to prove that she can care for a puppy before letting her parents know about him.

  #34 Forbidden Love

Maria Santelli's engagement to Michael Harris is the talk of Sweet Valley High, but they must keep it a secret from their parents.  Years ago, the two families had a huge argument, and Michael and Maria were forbidden to see each other.

At first, the sparkle in Maria's eyes nearly matches the sparkle of her diamond ring.  But being engaged isn't as easy as Maria had expected.  She's used to doing things on her own; but now Michael acts as if he owns her.  He's even jealous of her helping Winston Egbert with his campaign for Student Council.  Maria's beginning to think that she and Michael were happier before their engagement.  Will Michael and Maria resolve their differences and go ahead with their wedding plans?  Or will their secret engagement destroy their relationship forever?

SVH #34 Forbidden Love
  #35 Out of Control

Aaron Dallas, the handsome co-captain of the Sweet Valley High soccer team, used to be friendly and likeable.  But suddenly he's changed.  He explodes whenever the smallest thing goes wrong, and lashes out at everyone, including his teammates and his girlfriend, Heather.

Elizabeth Wakefield is concerned about the change in Aaron.  Her boyfriend, Jeffrey French, is Aaron's best friend.  Jeffrey keeps making excuses for Aaron, and Elizabeth can't persuade him that his best friend really needs help—until Jeffrey himself becomes the target of Aaron's rage.

SVH #35 Out of Control


Jessica plans to become a millionaire as a new Tofu-Glo girl.  Jessica sells the beauty products to everyone she knows but makes the mistake of not trying out the products first.  Jessica's foray into business ends in disaster.

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