The Trixie Belden Series
Thin Hardcover Editions:  Early 1970s

The thin hardcover editions were published during the early 1970s, possibly from 1970 to around 1976.  Some of the books have copyrights of 1970 while others state 1971.  The books that are copyrighted in 1970 are slightly more thick and have coarser paper than the books that are copyrighted in 1971.  These editions were made with cheap materials and have not held up well over time.  Nearly all collectors refer to these editions as the "uglies" with myself being the exception.

1. Trixie Belden and the Secret of the Mansion

2. Trixie Belden and the Red Trailer Mystery

3. Trixie Belden and the Gatehouse Mystery

4. Trixie Belden and the Mysterious Visitor

5. Trixie Belden and the Mystery Off Glen Road

6. Trixie Belden and Mystery in Arizona

7. Trixie Belden and the Mysterious Code

8. Trixie Belden and the Black Jacket Mystery

9. Trixie Belden and the Happy Valley Mystery

10. Trixie Belden and the Marshland Mystery

11. Trixie Belden and the Mystery at Bob-White Cave

12. Trixie Belden and the Mystery of the Blinking Eye

13. Trixie Belden and the Mystery on Cobbett's Island

14. Trixie Belden and the Mystery of the Emeralds

15. Trixie Belden and the Mystery on the Mississippi

16. Trixie Belden and the Mystery of the Missing Heiress
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